Selected Collection
Contributions to Other Books

78 records, showing 50 per page
Record Number 2110
Reference Type Book
Author Albert Camus, (Intro and commentary by Thomas Merton)
Year 1968
Title The Plague Place Published: New York
Publisher The Seabury Press
Number of Pages 43
Edition First soft cover edition. Short Title: The Plague
Notes Soft cover; this item also contains 5 other Seabury Press booklets by Golding ("The Spire"), Brecht ("Galileo"), C.S. Lewis ("Till we have Faces"), Skinner ("Walden Two") and White ("Riders in the Chariot").
Label C
Record Number 407
Reference Type Book
Author Albert Camus, (Intro and commentary by Thomas Merton)
Year 1968
Title The Plague Place Published: New York
Publisher The Seabury Press
Number of Pages 43
Edition First soft cover edition. Short Title: The Plague
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Record Number 1337
Reference Type Book
Author Amedee Hallier OCSO, (with special introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1969
Title The Monastic Theology of Aelred of Rievaulx
Publisher Cistercian Publications
Number of Pages 179
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Monastic Theology of Aelred of Rievaulx
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label UCT
Series Title Cistercian Studies Series: #2 Place Published: Shannon, Ireland
Record Number 762
Reference Type Book
Author Brother Antoninus, (Photograph on back of dust jacket by Thomas Merton)
Year 1967
Title The Rose of Solitude Place Published: New York
Publisher Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Number of Pages 125
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Rose of Solitude
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label CA
Record Number 794
Reference Type Book
Author Commission D'Histoire De L'ordre De Citeaux, (Preface by Thomas Merton)
Year 1953
Title Bernard de Clairvaux Place Published: Paris
Publisher Alsatia
Number of Pages 756
Edition First soft cover edition. Short Title: Bernard de Clairvaux
Notes Soft cover; published to commemorate the 8th centenary of St. Bernard's death.
Label CF
Record Number 743
Reference Type Book
Author Daniel-Rops, Henri
Year 1964
Title Bernard of Clairvaux / The Story of the Last of the Great Church Fathers Place Published: New York and London
Publisher Hawthorn Books, Inc.
Number of Pages 230
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Bernard of Clairvaux / The Story of the Last of the Great Church Fathers
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 200
Reference Type Book
Author Dom Denys Rutledge, (preface by Thomas Merton)
Year 1963
Title In Search of a Yogi Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Company
Number of Pages 320
Edition First hard cover edition Short Title: In Search of a Yogi
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 176
Reference Type Book
Author Dom Jean Leclercq, (Preface by Thomas Merton)
Year 1962
Title Alone with God Place Published: London
Publisher Hodder and Stoughton
Number of Pages 192
Edition First British edition. Short Title: Alone with God
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 550
Reference Type Book
Author Dorothy Day, ("A Letter from Thomas Merton" on back of dust jacket)
Year 1963
Title Loaves and Fishes Place Published: New York
Publisher Harper and Row, Publishers
Number of Pages 215
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Loaves and Fishes
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 292
Reference Type Book
Author Eberhard Arnold, (with two interpretive talks by Thomas Merton)
Year 1995
Title Why We Live in Community Place Published: Farmingham, PA
Publisher The Plough Publishing House
Number of Pages 73
Edition 3rd English soft cover edition. Short Title: Why We Live in Community
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Record Number 808
Reference Type Book
Author Edward Deming Andrews, Faith Andrews, (Introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1994
Title Masterpieces of Shaker Furniture Place Published: Mineola
Publisher Dover Publications
Number of Pages 106
Edition First soft cover reprint of "Religion in Wood" (1966). Short Title: Masterpieces of Shaker Furniture
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Record Number 57
Reference Type Book
Author Edward Deming Andrews, Faith Andrews, (Introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1966
Title Religion in Wood: A Book of Shaker Furniture Place Published: Bloomington
Publisher Indiana University Press
Number of Pages 106
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Religion in Wood: A Book of Shaker Furniture
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 770
Reference Type Book
Author Ernesto Cardenal, (foreword by Thomas Merton)
Year 1971
Title Psalms of Struggle and Liberation Place Published: New York
Publisher Herder and Herder
Number of Pages 76
Edition First soft cover edition. Short Title: Psalms of Struggle and Liberation
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Record Number 1173
Reference Type Book
Author Ernesto Cardenal, (foreword by Thomas Merton)
Year 1995
Title Abide in Love Place Published: Maryknoll
Publisher Orbis Books
Number of Pages 164
Edition First Orbis soft cover edition. Short Title: Abide in Love
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Record Number 177
Reference Type Book
Author Ernesto Cardenal, (Introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1972
Title To Live is to Love Place Published: New York
Publisher Herder and Herder
Number of Pages 152
Edition First hard cover edition
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Translator Reinhardt, Kurt Short Title: To Live is to Love
Record Number 1956
Reference Type Book
Author Ernesto Cardenal, (Introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1974
Title To Live is to Love Place Published: Garden City, New York
Publisher Image
Number of Pages 156
Edition First Image soft cover edition.
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Translator Reinhardt, Kurt Short Title: To Live is to Love
Record Number 255
Reference Type Book
Author Ernesto Cardenal, (Preface by Thomas Merton)
Year 1981
Title Love Place Published: New York
Publisher Crossroad
Number of Pages 143
Edition First edition soft cover.
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Translator Livingstone, Dinah Short Title: Love
Record Number 198
Reference Type Book
Author Father Alfred Delp, (Introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1963
Title The Prison Meditations of Father Delp Place Published: New York
Publisher Herder and Herder
Number of Pages 193
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Prison Meditations of Father Delp
Notes Cloth in dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 201
Reference Type Book
Author Father Francois of Saint Mary, O.C.D. (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1963
Title The Simple Steps to God Place Published: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Publisher Dimension Books
Number of Pages 153
Edition First American edition Short Title: The Simple Steps to God
Notes Cloth in dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 726
Reference Type Book
Author Father M. Raymond O.C.S.O., (Portions of forward by Thomas Merton)
Year 1949
Title Burnt Out Incense Place Published: New York
Publisher P.J. Kenedy & Sons
Number of Pages 457
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Burnt Out Incense
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; portion of foreword by Thomas Merton (pages xi-xiii).
Label C
Record Number 278
Reference Type Book
Author Fenelon, (Introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1964
Title Fenelon: Letters of Love and Counsel Place Published: New York
Publisher A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book; Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc.
Number of Pages 318
Edition First American hard cover edition.
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Translator McEwen, John Short Title: Fenelon: Letters of Love and Counsel
Record Number 894
Reference Type Book
Author Fenelon, (Introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1964
Title Fenelon Letters Place Published: London
Publisher Harvill Press
Number of Pages 318
Edition First British hard cover edition.
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Translator McEwen, John Short Title: Fenelon Letters
Record Number 945
Reference Type Book
Author Flannery O'Connor, (with review on back of dust jacket by Thomas Merton)
Year 1965
Title Everything That Rises Must Converge Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 285
Edition Book Club hard cover edition. Short Title: Everything That Rises Must Converge
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; with review on back of dust jacket by Thomas Merton.
Label C
Record Number 760
Reference Type Book
Author George A. Panichas, (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1967
Title Mansions of the Spirit: Essays in Religion and Literature Place Published: New York
Publisher Hawthorn Books Inc.
Number of Pages 414
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Mansions of the Spirit: Essays in Religion and Literature
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 759
Reference Type Book
Author Grace Perigo, (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1976
Title The Letters of Adam of Perseigne
Publisher Cistercian Publications
Number of Pages 207
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Letters of Adam of Perseigne
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label TC
Series Title Cistercian Studies Series: Number 21 Place Published: Kalamazoo
Record Number 1049
Reference Type Book
Author Jack Huber, (commentary by Thomas Merton)
Year 1967
Title Through an Eastern Window Place Published: Boston
Publisher Houghton Mifflin Company
Number of Pages 121
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Through an Eastern Window
Notes Cloth and dust jacket. Has endorsement by Thomas Merton on the front of the dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 748
Reference Type Book
Author John C. H. Wu, (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1967
Title The Golden Age of Zen
Publisher The National War College in Co-operation with The Committee on the Compilation of the Chinese Library
Number of Pages 332 (introduction - pp 1-29)
Edition First soft cover edition. Short Title: The Golden Age of Zen
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Record Number 372
Reference Type Book
Author M. Basil Pennington, (prologue by Thomas Merton)
Year 1983
Title Monastery Place Published: San Francisco
Publisher Harper and Row Publishers
Number of Pages 127
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Monastery
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; inscribed by Basil Pennington with card inlaid and inscribed by him dated 1985.
Label YC
Record Number 2303
Reference Type Book Section
Author Marie-Etienne Cheneviere OCSO, (Preface by Thomas Merton)
Year 1961
Title L’attente dans le silence: Le père Marie-Joseph Cassant OCSO (French) Place Published: Brussels
Publisher Desclée de Brouwer
Notes Soft cover; Merton’s preface was written in English and translated into French for this book. The English version of the preface, taken from the original typescript, was published in The Merton Seasonal 28.4 (2003), 3-5. (taken from More than Silence - A Bibliography of Thomas Merton by Patricia Burton 2008).
Label NCF
Pages Preface - pages 9-13. Short Title: L’attente dans le silence: Le père Marie-Joseph Cassant OCSO (French)
Record Number 832
Reference Type Book
Author Mary Evans, (with introductory commentary by Thomas Merton)
Year 1969
Title Good Work / Cha No Yu / The Japanese Tea Ceremony
Publisher Catholic Art Association
Number of Pages 30
Edition First soft cover edition (reprinted from Quarterly of the Catholic Art Association). Short Title: Good Work / Cha No Yu / The Japanese Tea Ceremony
Notes Soft cover; contains writing by Thomas Merton and a photo taken by Edward Rice. Also has contributions by Nakano Kazuma, Basil Chamberlain, Daisetz Suzuki, Frank Lyd Wright, Allan Watts and Saisetsu. Laid in are 2 slips of paper with the word "Kegon" written on it.
Label C
Record Number 1271
Reference Type Book
Author Mary Paula Williamsom, (with jacket endorsement by Thomas Merton)
Year 1949
Title That All May be One Place Published: New York
Publisher P. J. Kennedy and Sons
Number of Pages 185
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: That All May be One
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; inside of back flap of dust jacket contains endorsement by Merton.
Label C
Record Number 45
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1959
Title Christmas Sermons of Bl. Guerric of Igny: An Essay by Thomas Merton Place Published: Trappist
Publisher The Abbey of Gethsemani
Number of Pages 62
Edition First hard cover edition.
Notes Cloth and glassine tissue wrapper.
Label C
Translator Lima, Sister Rose of Short Title: Christmas Sermons of Bl. Guerric of Igny: An Essay by Thomas Merton
Record Number 405
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1962
Title Clement of Alexandria: Selections from Protreptikos Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Number of Pages 27
Edition First soft cover edition.
Notes Soft cover.
Label clement_pro
Translator Merton, Thomas Short Title: Clement of Alexandria: Selections from Protreptikos
Record Number 165
Reference Type Book Section
Editor Ginsberg, Robert
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1969
Title War and the Crisis of Language
Publisher Henry Regnery Company
Edition First hard cover edition Short Title: War and the Crisis of Language
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Pages 99-119
Book Title The Critique of War: Contemporary Philosophical Explorations Place Published: Chicago
Record Number 772
Reference Type Book Section
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1967
Title The Mystery of the Church; The Vocation of Holiness / short writing in each section.
Publisher Herder and Herder
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Mystery of the Church; The Vocation of Holiness / short writing in each section.
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Pages 45-47, 142-144
Book Title Meditations on the Church Place Published: New York
Record Number 2094
Reference Type Book Section
Editor Thornton, Francis B.
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1948
Title A Man in the Divided Sea / Poem: 1939; The Oracle; The Betrayal; The Sponge Full of Vinegar; The Evening of the Visitation
Publisher The Bruce Publishing Company
Edition First hard cover signed edition. Short Title: A Man in the Divided Sea / Poem: 1939; The Oracle; The Betrayal; The Sponge Full of Vinegar; The Evening of the Visitation
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; inscribed and signed by Thornton (editor). This item is an early anthology to include Merton's writing.
Label CUY
Pages Pages 850-852.
Book Title Return to Tradition / A Directive Anthology Place Published: Milwaukee
Record Number 793
Reference Type Book Section
Editor Forest, Thomas C. Cornell and James H.
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1968
Title Letters from Thomas Merton; Albert Camus and the Church
Publisher The Macmillan Company
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Letters from Thomas Merton; Albert Camus and the Church
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Pages 207 - 209; 254 - 271
Book Title A Penny a Copy: Readings from The Catholic Worker Place Published: New York
Record Number 2095
Reference Type Book Section
Editor Connolly, Francis X.
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1948
Title The Biography; St. John Baptist; Clairvaux; Ode to the Present Century; An Argument - Of the Passion of Christ
Publisher Harcourt, Brace and Company
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Biography; St. John Baptist; Clairvaux; Ode to the Present Century; An Argument - Of the Passion of Christ
Notes Cloth; an early anthology to contain Merton's writing.
Label C
Pages Pages 702-707.
Book Title Literature / The Channel of Culture Place Published: New York
Record Number 146
Reference Type Book
Author Miller, Vassar
Year 1981
Title Selected and New Poems: 1950 to 1980 Place Published: Austin, Texas
Publisher Latitudes Press
Number of Pages 160
Edition First hard cover edition Short Title: Selected and New Poems: 1950 to 1980
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; cover artwork by Thomas Merton; posthumous letter to Thomas Merton by the author.
Label CA
Record Number 723
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Brunini, John Gilland
Year 1944
Title Drink from the Rock: Selected Poems from Spirit Place Published: New York
Publisher The Catholic Poetry Society of America, Inc.
Number of Pages 124
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Drink from the Rock: Selected Poems from Spirit
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; contains two poems by Thomas Merton: "The Sponge Full of Vinegar" (page 66) and "The Trappist Abbey: Matins" (page 71).
Label C
Record Number 761
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Morris Ernst, (with Merton article)
Year 1967
Title The Teacher Place Published: Englewood Cliffs
Publisher Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Number of Pages 45-53
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Teacher
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; with Merton article - "On Remembering Monsieur Delmas".
Label C
Record Number 2044
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Dale Francis, (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1958
Title A Catholic Prayer Book Place Published: New York
Publisher Dell Publishing Co.
Number of Pages 191
Edition First soft cover Dell Laurel edition. Short Title: A Catholic Prayer Book
Notes Soft cover with intro by Merton titled "A Life of Prayer".
Label C
Record Number 2045
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Dale Francis, (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1958
Title A Catholic Prayer Book Place Published: New York
Publisher Dell Publishing Co.
Number of Pages 191
Edition First soft cover Dell Laurel edition. Short Title: A Catholic Prayer Book
Notes Soft cover with intro by Merton titled "A Life of Prayer".
Label C
Record Number 1987
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Dale Francis, (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1958
Title A Catholic Prayer Book Place Published: New York
Publisher Dell Publishing Co.
Number of Pages 191
Edition First soft cover Dell Laurel edition. Short Title: A Catholic Prayer Book
Notes Soft cover with intro by Merton titled "A Life of Prayer".
Label UC
Record Number 2019
Reference Type Book
Author Philip Berrigan, S.S.J. (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1965
Title No More Strangers Place Published: New York
Publisher The Macmillan Company
Number of Pages 181
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: No More Strangers
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; this item is inscribed and signed by Philip Berrigan "To Alice Fitzpatrick in Christ's peace and fellowship! Fr. Phil, SSJ".
Label YC
Record Number 199
Reference Type Book
Author Philip Berrigan, S.S.J. (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1965
Title No More Strangers Place Published: New York
Publisher The Macmillan Company
Number of Pages 181
Edition First hard cover edition Short Title: No More Strangers
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 1051
Reference Type Book
Author Philip Berrigan, S.S.J. (introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1967
Title No More Strangers Place Published: Techny, Illinois
Publisher Divine Word Publications
Number of Pages 181
Edition Second soft cover printing. Short Title: No More Strangers
Notes Soft cover.
Label C
Record Number 202
Reference Type Book
Author Pie Regamey, O.P. (Preface by Thomas Merton)
Year 1966
Title Non Violence and the Christian Conscience Place Published: New York
Publisher Herder and Herder
Number of Pages 272
Edition First hard cover edition Short Title: Non Violence and the Christian Conscience
Notes Cloth in dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 175
Reference Type Book
Author Raissa Maritain, (Foreword by Thomas Merton, Edited and annotated by Jacques Maritain)
Year 1964
Title Notes on the Lord's Prayer Place Published: New York
Publisher P.J. Kennedy and Sons
Number of Pages 122
Edition First English Edition Short Title: Notes on the Lord's Prayer
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Original Publication Notes sur le Pater
Record Number 178
Reference Type Book
Author Saint Augustine, (Introduction by Thomas Merton)
Year 1950
Title The City of God Place Published: New York
Publisher The Modern Library
Number of Pages 892
Edition First Modern Library hard cover edition. Short Title: The City of God
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C