Full Collection

2632 records, showing 50 per page
Record Number 1299
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 2005
Title Saint Bernard's Family
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume Vol 40, #1
Notes Soft cover; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 27-44 Short Title: Saint Bernard's Family
Record Number 1300
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 2006
Title Two More Idas / Blessed Ida of Louvain and Blessed Ida of Nivelles
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume Vol 41, #1
Notes Soft cover; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 79-91 Short Title: Two More Idas / Blessed Ida of Louvain and Blessed Ida of Nivelles
Record Number 1296
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 1994
Title Saint Malachy "The Irishman
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume vol 29, #3
Notes Soft cover; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 233-239 Short Title: Saint Malachy "The Irishman
Record Number 1297
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 2000
Title Blessed William of Saint-Thierry / Monk of Signy
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume Vol 35, #1
Notes Soft cover; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 3-12 Short Title: Blessed William of Saint-Thierry / Monk of Signy
Record Number 1098
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 2003
Title Saint Gertrude, Nun of Helfta, Germany
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume 38.4
Notes Soft cover; also includes articles by Mark Delcogliano, E. Rozanne Elder, Chrysogonus Waddell, David Bell and Eleanor Campion; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 449-458. Short Title: Saint Gertrude, Nun of Helfta, Germany
Record Number 1097
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 2002
Title Blessed Peter "Monoculus", Abbot of Igny, then of Clairvaux, France
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume 37.4
Notes Soft cover; also contains articles by John Chryssavgis, Charles Dumont, John Eudes Bamberger, Elizabeth Freeman, Aelred of Rievaulx and Tim Davis; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 443-451. Short Title: Blessed Peter "Monoculus", Abbot of Igny, then of Clairvaux, France
Record Number 1096
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 2002
Title Saint Hugh, Abbot of Bonnevaux near Vienne, France
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume 37.1
Notes Soft cover; also contains articles by Shawn Madison Krahmer, Luke Anderson, David Bell, Magdalena Aust, Raphael Arnaiz Baron and Aelred of Rievaulx; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 13-21. Short Title: Saint Hugh, Abbot of Bonnevaux near Vienne, France
Record Number 1093
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 2000
Title Saint Lutgarde / Nun of Aywieres, Belgium
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume 35.2
Notes Soft cover; also includes articles by Adalbert De Vogue, Marsha Dutton, Jens Ruffer, Hilary Costello, Peter Gilmore and Paschal Baumstein; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 219-230. Short Title: Saint Lutgarde / Nun of Aywieres, Belgium
Record Number 1095
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (edited with a note by Patrick Hart)
Year 2001
Title Saint Peter of Tarentaise / First Abbot of Tamie, Archbishop of Tarentaise (now Moutiers), France
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume 36.3
Notes Soft cover; also contains articles by Terrence Kardong, Adalbert De Vogue, Bernard of Clairvaux, Dominique Bertrand, Patrick Terrell Gray and Sheryl Frances Chen; this item has not been published in a Merton book.
Label T
Pages Pages 337-347. Short Title: Saint Peter of Tarentaise / First Abbot of Tamie, Archbishop of Tarentaise (now Moutiers), France
Record Number 2533
Reference Type Pamphlet
Author Thomas Merton, (featured in the month of December)
Year 1988
Title Blessed are the Peacemakers / 12 month calendar Place Published: Berkeley, CA
Publisher Goldern Turkey Press Short Title: Blessed are the Peacemakers / 12 month calendar
Notes Twelve month calendar; featuring Merton (December), but also others such as Tolstoy, The Dalai Lama, Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Clara Barton, John Lennon, Bertrand Russell, Ivan Illich etc.
Record Number 1086
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (intoduction by Henri Nouwen)
Year 1996
Title Life and Holiness Place Published: New York
Publisher Image Doubleday Books
Number of Pages 119
Edition First Image Doubleday soft cover edition. Short Title: Life and Holiness
Notes Soft cover.
Record Number 1084
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (introduction and edited by Paul M. Pearson)
Year 2003
Title Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers Place Published: Maryknoll, New York
Publisher Orbis Books
Number of Pages 125
Edition First hard cover edition Short Title: Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Record Number 124
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (introduction and edited by Paul M. Pearson)
Year 2003
Title Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers Place Published: Maryknoll, New York
Publisher Orbis Books
Number of Pages 125
Edition First hard cover edition Short Title: Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; signed and inscribed by editor-in-chief of Orbis Books, Robert Ellsberg.
Label Y
Record Number 1614
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (introduction and edited by Robert E. Daggy)
Year 1978
Title Christian Contemplation
Journal Cistercian Studies Quarterly
Volume vol 13
Notes Soft cover; this article is regarding Merton's preface to the Japanese edition of his book "Seeds of Contemplation".
Label T
Pages Pages 3-14. Short Title: Christian Contemplation
Record Number 1957
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (Introduction by Mark Van Doren)
Year 1967
Title Selected Poems of Thomas Merton Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Number of Pages 140
Edition 5th printing enlarged soft cover edition. Short Title: Selected Poems of Thomas Merton
Notes Soft cover.
Label O
Record Number 307
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (Introduction by Mark Van Doren)
Year 1959
Title Selected Poems of Thomas Merton Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Number of Pages 239
Edition First New Directions soft cover edition. Short Title: Selected Poems of Thomas Merton
Notes Soft cover.
Label O
Record Number 261
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (Introduction by Mark Van Doren)
Year 1967
Title Selected Poems of Thomas Merton Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Number of Pages 140
Edition 4th printing enlarged soft cover edition. Short Title: Selected Poems of Thomas Merton
Notes Soft cover.
Label O
Record Number 2117
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (J. Berryman, Dylan Thomas, V. Nabokov, W. C. Williams, K. Patchen, M. Van Doren, G. M. Hopkins, Rilke, etc.)
Year 1941-1944
Title Thirty Poems: The Poets of the Year / as part of full "Poets of the Month" series 1941-1944. Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Edition Full soft cover edition in slip cases (1941-1944). Short Title: Thirty Poems: The Poets of the Year / as part of full "Poets of the Month" series 1941-1944.
Notes This extremely scarce item is the full run of the Poets of the Month series (complete with introductory pamphlet) containing 42 issues in original printed wraps (some illustrated) from 1941-1944. Each year is housed in a specially labelled slip cases (4 in all). For the first three years, 12 issues were published annually while in 1944, 6 issues were published (including Merton's poetry book). Each issue was printed by a different free press. Included are works by Thomas Merton (first book), M. Cowley, R. Eberhart, J. Berryman (first book), K. Patchen, Dylan Thomas, G. Barker, V. Nabokov, C. Aiken, D. Schwartz, C. Rakosi, J. M. Brinnin, E. Prokosch, W. C. Williams, F. T. Prince, W. Townley Scott, M. Van Doren, Hopkins, Rilke, etc. This collection comes from the personal library of James Laughlin, founder and publisher of New Directions, the press that printed this series (with his ex-libris sticker inside front cover of introductory pamphlet).
Label UO
Record Number 2357
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (mention)
Year 1938
Title Original 1938 Columbian Yearbook Place Published: Baltimore
Publisher Garamond Press
Number of Pages 222 pages. Short Title: Original 1938 Columbian Yearbook
Notes Cloth; this item contains mention of Merton as part of the Columbia Jester art staff (pg 85). Merton is also mentioned as contributing a section of his new book (titled "Mister and Mrs. Jim Huttner") to the Columbia Review (page 88); and he is also noted as Frates in Universitate of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. Merton is also mentioned in Sachems for 1937. This yearbook is Robert Lax's graduation year and so his photo and contributions appear with the senior class.
Record Number 1357
Reference Type Audiovisual Material
Author Thomas Merton, (read by Jonathan Montaldo)
Year 2007
Title Contemplative Prayer Place Published: Cincinnati
Publisher St. Anthony Messenger Press
Notes CD od book read by Jonathan Montaldo.
Label V
Extent of Work 4 CD set Short Title: Contemplative Prayer
Record Number 1014
Reference Type Audiovisual Material
Author Thomas Merton, (read by Richard Gray)
Year 1964
Title The Poems of Thomas Merton Place Published: New York
Publisher Spirit Records (The Catholic Poetry Society)
Notes LP record album featuring 21 poems of Thomas Merton read by Richard Gray.
Label UV
Extent of Work LP record album Short Title: The Poems of Thomas Merton
Record Number 154
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (Robert E. Daggy)
Year 1989
Title Thomas Merton: Honorable Reader, Reflections on My Work Place Published: New York
Publisher Crossroad Publishing Company
Number of Pages 172
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Thomas Merton: Honorable Reader, Reflections on My Work
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Record Number 70
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (Robert E. Daggy)
Year 1989
Title Thomas Merton: Honorable Reader, Reflections on My Work Place Published: New York
Publisher Crossroad Publishing Company
Number of Pages 172
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Thomas Merton: Honorable Reader, Reflections on My Work
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Record Number 2310
Reference Type Audiovisual Material
Author Thomas Merton, (subject)
Title Vintage Photo- Thomas Merton: A Film Biography Short Title: Vintage Photo- Thomas Merton: A Film Biography
Notes Photo, approx Size: 8.2" x 10.1". Introduces film release on PBS and gives a brief description of Merton.
Label NV
Record Number 2173
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (text)
Year 1966
Title Gethsemani / A Life of Praise - signed
Publisher Abbey of Gethsemani
Edition First hard cover edition Short Title: Gethsemani / A Life of Praise - signed
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; signed and inscribed by Merton's Abbot Dom James Fox who also stamped the words "All for Jesus thru Mary with a smile". Also laid in is a Christmas card, also inscribed and signed by Dom James Fox.
Label NYU
Record Number 2058
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (text)
Year 1956
Title Den Heliga Tystnaden / Swedish translation of Silence in Heaven Place Published: Malmo, Sweden
Publisher Allhem Forlag
Number of Pages 149 pages.
Edition First Swedish hard cover edition.
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; ninety photographs and many texts from religious writings.
Label F
Translator Cinthio, Erik Short Title: Den Heliga Tystnaden / Swedish translation of Silence in Heaven
Record Number 168
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (text)
Year 1956
Title Silence in Heaven: A Book of the Monastic Life Place Published: New York
Publisher The Studio Publications, Inc., in association with Thomas Y. Crowell Company
Number of Pages 69
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Silence in Heaven: A Book of the Monastic Life
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; ninety photographs and many texts from religious writings.
Label C
Record Number 169
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (text)
Year 1956
Title Silence in Heaven: A Book of the Monastic Life Place Published: London
Publisher Thames and Hudson
Number of Pages 69
Edition First GB Edition Short Title: Silence in Heaven: A Book of the Monastic Life
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; ninety photographs and many texts from religious writings.
Label C
Record Number 55
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (text)
Year 1966
Title Gethsemani / A Life of Praise Place Published: Trappist
Publisher The Abbey of Gethsemani
Edition First printing, text by Thomas Merton Short Title: Gethsemani / A Life of Praise
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Label C
Record Number 695
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (text)
Year 1949
Title Gethsemani Magnificat Place Published: Trappist, Kentucky
Publisher The Abbey of Gethsemani
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Gethsemani Magnificat
Notes Cloth (no dust jacket as issued); laid in is what appears to be the original copy of the address by Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Abbey of Gethsemani. Five stapled pages (last page detached) with moving poem on last page.
Label UC
Record Number 433
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (text)
Year 1949
Title Gethsemani Magnificat Place Published: Trappist, Kentucky
Publisher The Abbey of Gethsemani
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Gethsemani Magnificat
Notes Cloth (no dust jacket as issued).
Label U
Record Number 1342
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (text)
Year 1949
Title Gethsemani Magnificat Place Published: Trappist, Kentucky
Publisher The Abbey of Gethsemani
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Gethsemani Magnificat
Notes Cloth (no dust jacket as issued); item commemorates the 100 year anniversary of The Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani.
Record Number 1844
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (transcribed by Naomi Burton Stone)
Year 1970
Title The LIfe that Unifies
Journal Sisters Today
Volume Volume 42
Notes Soft cover bound as complete hard cover volume #42. This article is a transcription of a conference given by Thomas Merton at a Day of Recollection.
Label P
Date October Short Title: The LIfe that Unifies
Pages Pages 65-73.
Record Number 1821
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (transcribed by Patrick Hart, OCSO and Naomi Burton Stone)
Year 1970
Title A Conference on Prayer
Journal Sisters Today
Volume Volume 41
Notes Soft cover as part of the complete bound hard cover volume #41; this article is a transcription of the talk given by Thomas Merton in Calcutta to the conference of religious of India on the feast of Christ the King, October 27, 1968. This item has not been published elsewhere in a Merton publication.
Label P
Date April Short Title: A Conference on Prayer
Pages Pages 449-456.
Record Number 1716
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Thomas Merton, (translation and introduction)
Year 1954
Title The Athanasian Creed
Journal Jubilee Magazine
Volume Volume 2
Notes Soft cover; this article has not been published in a Merton book and has an introduction and is translated by Merton. This volume is part of a bound volume of Jubilee Magazines covering the dates May 1954 - April 1955.
Label J
Date May Short Title: The Athanasian Creed
Pages Pages 44-47.
Record Number 2407
Reference Type Pamphlet
Author Thomas Merton, (Victor Hammer publisher)
Year 1956
Title Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus / signed Place Published: Lexington
Publisher Stamperia del Santuccio
Number of Pages French-folded. 8 pages with 4 printable.
Edition First soft cover limited edition (1 of 54) - inscribed and signed by Merton. Short Title: Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus / signed
Notes Soft cover; this is a prayer printed on one sheet, French-folded, to make four printable pages (8 total). This copy is inscribed by Thomas Merton: "Very gratefully and with the promise of special prayers in Christ Our Lord/ Fr. Louis Merton." Merton took the name Father Louis on entering the Abbey of Gethsemani. OCLC/Worldcat locates only two confirmed copies, none signed. According to a note by Carolyn Reading Hammer, wife of Victor Hammer, 54 copies were printed - of which Merton received 50 copies and Hammer retained four (info retrieved from Worldcat). This item is not listed in Dell'Isola, but is item 2.836 in Breit and Daggy and is listed in the title finder of Burton's bibliography. The only other place where it has been published is in Convivium 2 in Italian as "Preghiera al sacro cuore". An exceptionally uncommon Merton item.
Record Number 128
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, and Robert Lax
Year 1978
Title Thomas Merton and Robert Lax: A Catch of Anti Letters Place Published: Kansas City, Kansas
Publisher Sheed, Andrews and McMeel, Inc.
Number of Pages 128
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Thomas Merton and Robert Lax: A Catch of Anti Letters
Notes Cloth and dust jacket.
Record Number 277
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, and Robert Lax
Year 1994
Title Thomas Merton and Robert Lax: A Catch of Anti Letters Place Published: Kansas City
Publisher Sheed and Ward
Number of Pages 128
Edition First edition soft cover. Short Title: Thomas Merton and Robert Lax: A Catch of Anti Letters
Notes Soft cover.
Record Number 414
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, John Howard Griffin, Monsignor Horrigan
Year 1971
Title The Thomas Merton Studies Center Place Published: Santa Barbara, California
Publisher Unicorn Press
Number of Pages 24
Edition First hard cover limited edition. Short Title: The Thomas Merton Studies Center
Notes Cloth (no dust jacket as issued); limited edition - one of 500 copies.
Label L
Record Number 389
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, John Howard Griffin, Monsignor Horrigan
Year 1971
Title The Thomas Merton Studies Center Place Published: Santa Barbara, California
Publisher Unicorn Press
Number of Pages 24
Edition First soft cover limited edition. Short Title: The Thomas Merton Studies Center
Notes Soft cover; limited edition - one of 1000 copies.
Label L
Record Number 2120
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, John Howard Griffin, Monsignor Horrigan
Year 1971
Title The Thomas Merton Studies Center Place Published: Santa Barbara, California
Publisher Unicorn Press
Number of Pages 24
Edition First hard cover limited edition. Short Title: The Thomas Merton Studies Center
Notes Cloth (no dust jacket as issued); limited edition - one of 500 copies.
Label L
Record Number 1072
Reference Type Manuscript
Author Thomas Merton, Sir Thomas More, Eric Gill
Year 1978
Title Three High Points in Collecting at the Richard Gleeson Library / Donohue Rare Book Room / University of San Francisco
Notes Soft cover printed by Lawton kennedy. This is a special limited edition version of the keepsake prepared for the 20th anniversary of the Gleeson Library Associates on October 9, 1977 which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the testimonial dinner for Father Gleeson which resulted in the decision to build the library at the University of San Francisco named for him. The three panels are of the printed jacket for Thomas Merton's "The Solitary Life"; the Utopian Alphabet as devised by Sir Thomas More (taken from the title page of the first edition of Sir Thomas More's "Utopia"); and a page of the original calligraphic excercise done by Eric Gill (from the Eric Gill collection). Limited edition - 1 of 200.
Label ULD
Type of Work Soft cover fold out (three pannels) with one panel showing the front of the printed jacket for Thomas Merton's "The Solitary Life" which was printed at Lexington, Kentucky at the Stamperia Del Santuccio by Victor Hammer in 1960. This is a limited edition - 1/200. Short Title: Three High Points in Collecting at the Richard Gleeson Library / Donohue Rare Book Room / University of San Francisco
Record Number 2133
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, Sun Tzu, LaoTzu
Year 1992
Title Four Chinese Classics: The Way of Chung Tzu / The Art of War /Tao Teh Ching / I Ching Place Published: Boston
Publisher Shambhala Publications, Inc.
Edition First edition paperbacks in pictorial slipcase. Short Title: Four Chinese Classics: The Way of Chung Tzu / The Art of War /Tao Teh Ching / I Ching
Notes Four undersized soft cover editions in slipcase.
Label N
Record Number 2253
Reference Type Audiovisual Material
Author Thomas Merton; Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra, Ph.D
Year 2012
Title Thomas Merton the 12 Degrees of Humility
Publisher Now You Know Media
Notes Audio CDs; 16 lectures on 8 Cds.
Label NV
Series Title Gethsemani Classroom Series
Type CD Short Title: Thomas Merton the 12 Degrees of Humility
Record Number 2254
Reference Type Audiovisual Material
Author Thomas Merton; Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra, Ph.D
Year 2012
Title Thomas Merton Ways of Prayer: A Desert Father's Wisdom
Publisher Now You Know Media Short Title: Thomas Merton Ways of Prayer: A Desert Father's Wisdom
Notes Audio CDs; 14 lectures on 7 CDs.
Label NV
Series Title Gethsemani Classroom Series
Record Number 2255
Reference Type Audiovisual Material
Author Thomas Merton; Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra, Ph.D
Year 2012
Title Thomas Merton's Great Sermons
Publisher Now You Know Media Short Title: Thomas Merton's Great Sermons
Notes Audio CDs; 4 Sermons on 2 CDs.
Label NV
Record Number 2256
Reference Type Audiovisual Material
Author Thomas Merton; Introduction by Fr. Anthony Ciorra, Ph.D
Year 2012
Title Thomas Merton on Sufism
Publisher Now You Know Media Short Title: Thomas Merton on Sufism
Notes Audio CDs; 14 lectures on 7 CDs.
Label NV
Record Number 2483
Reference Type Book
Author Thurston, Bonnie
Year 2009
Title For God Alone / A Primer on Prayer - signed Place Published: Notre Dame, Indiana
Publisher University of Notre Dame Press
Number of Pages 227
Edition First soft cover printing. Short Title: For God Alone / A Primer on Prayer - signed
Notes Soft cover; inscribed and signed by Bonnie Thurston.
Label NY
Record Number 1429
Reference Type Book
Author Thurston, Bonnie Bowman
Year 1983
Title Self and the World / two Directions of the Spiritual LIfe
Edition Offprint soft cover edition from Cistercian Studies #2, 1983 / signed. Short Title: Self and the World / two Directions of the Spiritual LIfe
Notes Soft cover offprint; inscribed and signed by Bonnie Thurston to Jim Forest "Many thanks to Jim for gifts of word and self"; this item was received with deepest gratitude from the personal collection of Jim Forest.
Label MYT
Record Number 2251
Reference Type Conference Proceedings
Author Thurston, James Conner OCSO; David Scott; Bonnie
Title The Voice of the Stranger / Three Papers and a Homily from the 7th General Meeting & Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Publisher Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Edition First soft cover edition.
Notes Soft cover.
Label N
Date April 4 - 6 Short Title: The Voice of the Stranger / Three Papers and a Homily from the 7th General Meeting & Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Pages 58
Year_of_Conference 2008