Selected Collection
Proof and Review Copies

44 records, showing 50 per page
Record Number 1698
Reference Type Artwork
Author Artist: Gerhard Marcks, (Thomas Merton)
Year 1957
Title Tower of Babel / signed unbound page proofs
Notes Unbound untrimmed pages. Signed by the artist (Gerhard Marcks); these sheets make up all four of Gerhard Marcks's expressionistic wood engravings, as well as his wood-engraved title-page, for James Laughlin's 1957 edition of Thomas Merton's The Tower of Babel. The sheets may have been page proofs for this work. The illustrations are printed in black on two sizes of paper, one measuring 14 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches and the other approximately 12 by 9 inches. Gerhard Marcks was a German artist and sculptor who, in 1919, joined Walter Gropius at the Staatliches Bauhaus, where he was put in charge of the Bauhaus pottery in Dornburg. In the 1930s his artwork was denounced and confiscated by the Nazis, two of his pieces being shown in an exhibition of "Degenerate Art." But he continued to work, and in the 50s was the recipient of two prestigious German art awards. The Tower of Babel is considered among the most beautiful productions ever done by Laughlin's legendary New Directions publishing house.
Label RUAY
Type of Work Signed, unbound, untrimmed page proofs. Short Title: Tower of Babel / signed unbound page proofs
Record Number 2327
Reference Type Book
Author Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus, (preface and translation by Thomas Merton)
Year 1967
Title A Prayer of Cassiodorus Place Published: Worcester
Publisher Stanbrook Abbey Press
Edition Soft cover - variant binding, 1/60.
Notes Soft cover; with Latin text printed in black, and the English translation by Thomas Merton printed in red, set in Monotype Spectrum on Barcham Green August Badger grey handmade paper. This is one of the last 60 copies (of 300) bound in overlapping sewn and glued printed red card covers (limitation information noted by Woodbridge Rare Books - this info gathered from a hand-written note by Dame Hildelith). There is a note attached which reads, "variant binding, without colophon leaf, c. (copyright) notice tipped in". Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus (c.490-c.585) historian, statesman and monk, founded two monasteries - Vivarium and Castellum. The special duty was the acquisition of knowledge, both sacred and profane. He also collected and emended valuable mss., which his monks were instructed to copy.
Label NLR
Translator Merton, Thomas Short Title: A Prayer of Cassiodorus
Record Number 1699
Reference Type Book
Author Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus, (preface and translation by Thomas Merton)
Year 1967
Title A Prayer of Cassiodorus Place Published: Worcester
Publisher Stanbrook Abbey Press
Number of Pages 24
Edition First soft cover edition - variant binding, 1/60.
Notes Soft cover; with Latin text printed in black, and the English translation by Thomas Merton printed in red, set in Monotype Spectrum on Barcham Green August Badger grey handmade paper. This is one of the last 60 copies (of 300) bound in overlapping sewn and glued printed red card covers (limitation information noted by Woodbridge Rare Books - this info gathered from a hand-written note by Dame Hildelith). There is a note attached which reads, "variant binding, without colophon leaf, c. (copyright) notice tipped in". Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus (c.490-c.585) historian, statesman and monk, founded two monasteries - Vivarium and Castellum. The special duty was the acquisition of knowledge, both sacred and profane. He also collected and emended valuable mss., which his monks were instructed to copy.
Label ULR
Translator Merton, Thomas Short Title: A Prayer of Cassiodorus
Record Number 542
Reference Type Book
Author Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus, (preface and translation by Thomas Merton)
Year 1967
Title A Prayer of Cassiodorus Place Published: Worcester
Publisher Stanbrook Abbey Press
Number of Pages 24
Edition First soft cover edition - variant binding, 1/60.
Notes Soft cover; with Latin text printed in black, and the English translation by Thomas Merton printed in red, set in Monotype Spectrum on Barcham Green August Badger grey handmade paper. This is one of the last 60 copies (of 300) bound in overlapping sewn and glued printed red card covers (limitation information noted by Woodbridge Rare Books - this info gathered from a hand-written note by Dame Hildelith). There is a note attached which reads, "variant binding, without colophon leaf, c. (copyright) notice tipped in". Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus (c.490-c.585) historian, statesman and monk, founded two monasteries - Vivarium and Castellum. The special duty was the acquisition of knowledge, both sacred and profane. He also collected and emended valuable mss., which his monks were instructed to copy.
Label LR
Translator Merton, Thomas Short Title: A Prayer of Cassiodorus
Record Number 2584
Reference Type Book
Author Hudson, Robert
Year 2018
Title The Monk's Record Player / Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966 Place Published: Grand Rapids, MI
Publisher William Eerdmans Publishing Company
Number of Pages 235
Edition Advanced copy / Uncorrected Proof Short Title: The Monk's Record Player / Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the Perilous Summer of 1966
Notes Soft cover.
Label RN
Record Number 934
Reference Type Book
Author Lax, Thomas Merton and Robert
Year 1978
Title Thomas Merton and Robert Lax: A Catch of Anti Letters Place Published: Kansas City, Kansas
Publisher Sheed, Andrews and McMeel, Inc.
Number of Pages 116
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Thomas Merton and Robert Lax: A Catch of Anti Letters
Notes Soft cover; uncorrected proof edition.
Label R
Record Number 1640
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1969
Title The Geography of Lograire Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Number of Pages 153
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Geography of Lograire
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; this item is a Review Copy with review slip from New Directions laid in.
Label OR
Record Number 884
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1967
Title Mystics and Zen Masters Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 303
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Mystics and Zen Masters
Notes Soft cover spiralbound printed wrappers; uncorrected proof edition.
Label R
Record Number 194
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1966
Title Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander Place Published: New York
Publisher Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Number of Pages 328
Edition First hard cover review edition. Short Title: Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; review copy with stamp inside front boards stating " With Compliments of - Doubleday & Company Inc."; the dust jacket of this edition lacks the "-from the Introduction" quote on the back of the dust jacket and is set up with a different font size.
Label R
Record Number 882
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1971
Title The Way of Chuang Tzu Place Published: London
Publisher Unwin Books
Number of Pages 159
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: The Way of Chuang Tzu
Notes Soft cover; uncorrected proof edition.
Label R
Record Number 1062
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1955
Title No Man is an Island Place Published: London
Publisher Hollis & Carter
Number of Pages 233
Edition Hollis & Carter uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: No Man is an Island
Notes Soft cover; uncorrected proof edition.
Label UR
Record Number 837
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1998
Title The Seven Storey Mountain Place Published: New York San Diego London
Publisher Harcourt Brace & Company
Number of Pages 468
Edition Soft cover uncorrected proof of 50th anniversary edition. Short Title: The Seven Storey Mountain
Notes Soft cover.
Label 7R
Record Number 2593
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1948
Title The Seven Storey Mountain / Advance Review Copy Place Published: New York
Publisher Harcourt, Brace and Company
Number of Pages 429 pages
Edition Advance Review Copy with slip tipped in. Short Title: The Seven Storey Mountain / Advance Review Copy
Notes Cloth; Advance Copy with slip tipped in. Stamped on the review slip is the release date as Oct 4, 1948 and the price of $3.00. There is no dust jacket but has origianl flaps of the dust jacket laid in with date stamped Sept 13, 1948 (presumeably the date received). Edition stated is "b-7-48" on colophon page.
Label NUR
Record Number 110
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1977
Title The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Number of Pages 1046
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; laid in is a review slip "With compliments of the publisher".
Label RO
Record Number 1639
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1969
Title My Argument with the Gestapo Place Published: New York
Publisher Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Number of Pages 259
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: My Argument with the Gestapo
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; this item is a Review Copy with a letter laid in by Doubleday & Company, Inc with publication date July 3, 1969.
Label R
Record Number 1638
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1964
Title Seeds of Destruction Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 328
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Seeds of Destruction
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; this item is a Review Copy with a letter from the editor of Saturday Review (Rochelle Girson) to Mr. Pratt asking for a review of this book (January 4).
Label R
Record Number 1637
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1955
Title No Man is an Island Place Published: New York
Publisher Harcourt, Brace & Company
Number of Pages 264
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: No Man is an Island
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; this copy is stamped "Review Copy" on the title page.
Label R
Record Number 1661
Reference Type Journal Article
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1963
Title Chant to Be Used in Processions Around a Site with Furnaces
Journal Fellowship
Volume Volume 20
Notes Soft cover, this is among the first appearance of this poem in a periodical. This item came from the private library of John Beecher (1904-80), noted social protest poet and fine press publisher, whose poem "Conformity Means Death" also appears in this journal. Stapled to the front cover is a note presumeably from the publisher, indicating "July issue Fellowship / see page 12 / marked copy". On page 12 is a Beecher poem.
Label PR
Date July 1 Short Title: Chant to Be Used in Processions Around a Site with Furnaces
Pages Pages 26-27.
Record Number 40
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1961
Title The Wisdom of the Desert Place Published: London
Publisher Hollis & Carter
Number of Pages 81
Edition First UK hard cover edition. Review Copy. Short Title: The Wisdom of the Desert
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; review slip laid in.
Label TR
Record Number 405
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1962
Title Clement of Alexandria: Selections from Protreptikos Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Number of Pages 27
Edition First soft cover edition.
Notes Soft cover.
Label clement_pro
Translator Merton, Thomas Short Title: Clement of Alexandria: Selections from Protreptikos
Record Number 265
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1968
Title Cables to the Ace Place Published: New York
Publisher New Directions
Number of Pages 60
Edition First printing soft cover. Short Title: Cables to the Ace
Notes Soft cover; review copy with slip by McClelland and Stewart Ltd.
Label RO
Record Number 1789
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1957
Title The Silent Life Place Published: London
Publisher Burns & Oates
Number of Pages 132
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: The Silent Life
Notes Soft cover.
Label R
Record Number 2086
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1950
Title Selected Poems of Thomas Merton Place Published: London
Publisher Hollis & Carter
Number of Pages 113
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Selected Poems of Thomas Merton
Notes Soft cover (with no exterior markings); uncorrected proof (unstated).
Label R
Record Number 43
Reference Type Book
Author Merton, Thomas
Year 1957
Title The Strange Islands Place Published: London
Publisher Hollis & Carter
Number of Pages 88
Edition First UK hard cover review copy edition. Short Title: The Strange Islands
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; review copy; laid in are slips from Hollis and Carter and the Manchester Guardian.
Label URO
Record Number 1124
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Kramer, Victor A.
Year 1996
Title Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years / uncorrected proof
Volume 4
Publisher HarperSanFrancisco
Number of Pages 352
Edition Uncorrected proof HarperCollins soft cover edition. Short Title: Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years / uncorrected proof
Notes Soft cover.
Label R
Series Title The Journals of Thomas Merton / volume 4: 1960 - 1963 Place Published: San Francisco
Number of Volumes 7
Series Editor Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O.
Record Number 708
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Hart, Brother Patrick
Year 1974
Title Thomas Merton, Monk: A Monastic Tribute Place Published: New York
Publisher Sheed and Ward, Inc.
Number of Pages 230
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Thomas Merton, Monk: A Monastic Tribute
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; review copy with slip and publisher's promotional material laid in..
Label RB
Record Number 2492
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Samway, Patrick
Year 2015
Title The Letters of Robert Giroux & THomas Merton / advanced uncorrected proof Place Published: Notre Dame, Indiana
Publisher University of Notre Dame Press
Number of Pages 374 pages
Edition Advanced Uncorrected Proof edition. Short Title: The Letters of Robert Giroux & THomas Merton / advanced uncorrected proof
Notes Soft cover, advanced proof.
Label NR
Record Number 1202
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Montaldo, Jonathan
Year 2004
Title A Year With Thomas Merton / Daily Meditations From His Journals / Uncorrected Proof Place Published: San Francisco
Publisher HarperSanFrancisco
Number of Pages 215
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: A Year With Thomas Merton / Daily Meditations From His Journals / Uncorrected Proof
Notes Soft cover; states "Uncorrected Proof Not For Sale" on the front cover.
Label R
Record Number 1790
Reference Type Edited Book
Editor Thomas Merton, (ed. by Arthur W. Biddle)
Year 2001
Title When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton & Robert Lax Place Published: Lexington
Publisher University Press of Kentucky
Number of Pages 440
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton & Robert Lax
Notes Soft cover.
Label R
Record Number 509
Reference Type Book
Author Pablo Antonio Cuadra, (trans. by Thomas Merton)
Year 1971
Title The Jaguar and the Moon
Publisher Unicorn Press
Number of Pages 38
Edition First hard cover edition.
Notes Cloth (no dust jacket as issued).
Label jaguarmoon
Translator Merton, Thomas Short Title: The Jaguar and the Moon
Series Title Unicorn Keepsake Series Place Published: Greensboro
Record Number 223
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. Brother Patrick Hart and Jonathan Montaldo)
Year 1999
Title The Intimate Merton / His Life from His Journals Place Published: San Francisco
Publisher HarperSanFrancisco
Number of Pages 161
Edition Uncorrected proof, soft cover. Short Title: The Intimate Merton / His Life from His Journals
Notes Soft cover.
Label R
Record Number 916
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. Brother Patrick Hart)
Year 1990
Title The School of Charity: Letters of Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 422
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: The School of Charity: Letters of Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction
Notes Soft cover uncorrected proof edition.
Label R
Record Number 883
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. by Brother Patrick Hart)
Year 2002
Title Survival or Prophecy? The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 187
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Survival or Prophecy? The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq
Notes Soft cover; uncorrected proof edition.
Label R
Record Number 1768
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. by David D. Cooper)
Year 1997
Title Thomas Merton and James Laughlin / Selected Letters - Uncorrected Proof Place Published: New York - London
Publisher W.W. Norton and Company
Number of Pages 364
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Thomas Merton and James Laughlin / Selected Letters - Uncorrected Proof
Notes Soft cover; typed along the top of the cover is the note, "UNCORRECTED PROOF - Reviewers are asked to check all quotations against the finished book". This item has come initially from the collection of Edwin "Ned" Erbe. Erbe was Publicity Director for New Directions in the 50s and 60s, which was owned by James Laughlin. Laughlin and Erbe were good friends.
Label R
Record Number 225
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. by Jane Marie Richardson)
Year 1992
Title The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 285
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani
Notes Soft cover.
Label R
Record Number 886
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. by Naomi Burton Stone & Brother Patrick Hart)
Year 1979
Title Love and Living Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 171 (page numbers hand written in margin).
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Love and Living
Notes Soft cover; uncorrected proof edition.
Label R
Record Number 915
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. by Robert E. Daggy)
Year 1989
Title The Road to Joy / Letters to New and Old Friends Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 369
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: The Road to Joy / Letters to New and Old Friends
Notes Soft cover uncorrected proof edition.
Label R
Record Number 224
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. by Robert Faggen)
Year 1996
Title Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 178
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz
Notes Soft cover.
Label R
Record Number 1737
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. by Robert Faggen)
Year 1996
Title Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 178
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz
Notes Soft cover.
Label R
Record Number 107
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. by Walter Capps)
Year 1989
Title Preview of the Asian Journal Place Published: New York
Publisher The Crossroad Publishing, Co.
Number of Pages 114
Edition First hard cover edition. Short Title: Preview of the Asian Journal
Notes Cloth and dust jacket; has publishers review slip laid in.
Label R
Record Number 885
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. Christine M. Bochen)
Year 1993
Title The Courage for Truth: Letters to Writers Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 284 (page numbers hand written in margin).
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: The Courage for Truth: Letters to Writers
Notes Soft cover; uncorrected proof edition with FSG Merton bio laid in.
Label R
Record Number 2113
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. Jonathan Montaldo)
Year 2001
Title Dialogue with Silence / Prayers & Drawings / Uncorrected Proof Place Published: San Francisco
Publisher HarperSanFrancisco
Number of Pages 188
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Dialogue with Silence / Prayers & Drawings / Uncorrected Proof
Notes Soft cover; uncorrected proof.
Label R
Record Number 887
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. William H. Shannon)
Year 1994
Title Witness to Freedom / Letters in Times of Crisis Place Published: New York
Publisher Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Number of Pages 340
Edition Uncorrected proof soft cover edition. Short Title: Witness to Freedom / Letters in Times of Crisis
Notes Soft cover; uncorrected proof edition.
Label R
Record Number 1574
Reference Type Book
Author Thomas Merton, (ed. William H. Shannon)
Year 2003
Title The Inner Experience / Notes on Contemplation / Uncorrected Proof Place Published: San Francisco, California
Publisher HarperSanFrancisco
Number of Pages 176
Edition Uncorrected Proof soft cover edition. Short Title: The Inner Experience / Notes on Contemplation / Uncorrected Proof
Notes Soft cover.
Label R